
ruins - ALTMIX Photography

ashley & david are engaged!

By | Engagement Sessions | 2 Comments

i start this post with just a little sadness. engagement session inundation ends here; we’re going miss the great one.on.one time we get to spend with our clients. we’ve learned a lot these last few months doing these shoots but most importantly we’ve decided that letting people be who they are as a couple yields awesome pictures. we love encouraging our couples to suggest a location that means something to them (like the first date spot or the proposal location), bring a fun prop (like an adorable puppy or guitar), and even plan an activity to do while we shoot (like a picnic!). we’ve had an excellent season of creative and fun couples and we couldn’t ask for a better kick off to wedding season!

today i’m really excited to share a few pics from ashley and david’s engagement session on wednesday. they took us to one of their favorite spots outside of atlanta, the ruins of an old paper mill that sherman burned on his march through atlanta. when we got down to the ruins and saw them overrun with ivy (and ants! but we tried to ignore that;)) and perched just beside a river we knew immediately why they love this place. it’s secluded and natural and beautiful, perfect for a couple in love, and perfect for a shoot! ashley and david laughed and kissed and hugged the entire session, it was so cute just to watch them enjoying one another. i love my job. here are a few of our favorite shots:

thanks you guys for a wonderful shoot, you picked a great location and it couldn’t have been more fun! we’re really looking forward to the wedding!