
noises - ALTMIX Photography


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anna and jason’s wedding is up on the gallery page! the emotions in the reception shots are my favorite part:

ladies i need to know i’m not insane. guys, listen and learn. so my mind is a little out of my control- let’s call it ‘creativity’ that when i hear one little sound at night -usually the fridge- i immediately assume someone has busted through the iron apartment gate, broken into the lobby, elevator.ed up to our floor, found our specific apartment, broken in, and is proceeding to -based on the noise i heard- use our ice machine? i pull the covers up to my throat. a split second later when i snap out of it and throw the covers back, my ridiculousness blows my mind, yes, i can actually blow my own mind.

this is not a good trait- this intense, out of control, ‘creativity.’ it hurts the worst when it comes to cleaning. i hate washing dishes. matt does it. he’s amazing. but i do things too, promise. but he cleans- why? because i look at dishes and when i see bits of food clinging to a fork i immediately think of what’s in my stomach, then i’m totally grossed out and thinking about my digestive tract, then all i can see in the sink is a bunch of…well, you know.  but seriously, this is a huge issue. if i use a plate and matt’s not around i turn the sink on high, flip the faucet to the sprayer and blast off all food particles without looking at or touching anything gross. i understand that’s not ‘green’ but i try to make up for it by rarely doing laundry. pfff, sort.of kidding. 

so as i sat down to write this post (on something totally chic and fabulous, no doubt) that creativity took control and i snapped at matt for flipping his wedding ring like a quarter, not because he was doing anything wrong but because his ring was obviously going to flip up into the air and roll from the living room to the bathroom and down the drain in the shower. never to be seen again. all the time i put into making that ring, my grandfather’s gold, my other material costs- gone. why doesn’t he care about me!? 

but i digress- this post has gone on long enough. insane? creative? other?