
baby etsy shops - ALTMIX Photography

the morgan family!

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i remember when little peyton was born like it was yesterday. i was sitting at my computer in atlanta refreshing my twitter every two milliseconds while, far away in augusta, jaynah was in labor and andrew was keeping us all posted whenever he could. the updates started around 3:30pm on monday when they got to the hospital and were pretty consistent until around 7:00am when he dropped off and didn’t update again until around 11:00am! do you KNOW how many times that means i hit refresh in those 4 hours!? yea, i can’t do that math either. but anyway. suffice it to say we were so excited to finally hear that peyton was healthy and happy and starting her new life like a champ. when we met her a few weeks later we could hardly believe how tiny she was- but yet so perfect. jaynah & andrew talked with us and we all decided to take some images of them when peyton was 6 months old. when the time finally came we were excited to get started but also pretty much in disbelief that those 6 months had gone by so quickly! thank you little peyton for reminding me to live in the moment and enjoy every day!

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we made these images at a little farm/natural area in our neighborhood and i love how private it was! and the huge tree in the middle with a swing? perfection:

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peyton is FULL of wonder! always looking around- taking in her surroundings with obvious curiosity. i’m thinking that when she learns to talk she’s going to have LOTS of questions about EVERYTHING!

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she’s also a lover. cuddling into jaynah and then andrew and then jaynah again- just keeping tabs, making sure everyone gets love. i think she takes after her parents in that regard- together they make the happiest family!

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couldn’t pass up a few shots with the light- even though that was definitely not peyton’s favorite pose of the day she busted a few moves for us anyway:

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oh, i need to mention that they brought daisy, their little pup and first child, to jump in a few shots! most of the time she was just exploring the little farm, running around and having the time of her life but she did make it into a few shots. my favorite daisy shot is this next one where’s she’s kissing her little sister on the head- they’re bff for sure:

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after all this shooting peyton was starting to get sleepy and she settled in for a little nap against andrew’s shoulder. look at those sleepy eyes!

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jaynah & andrew (& peyton & daisy), thank you guys for an awesome afternoon! we are so blessed to have you guys as friends and we can’t wait to see you again, hopefully soon!