
altmix photography - ALTMIX Photography - Page 6

yosemite: film.

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when matt was just 4 years old, his dad taught him to use the family camera so he could snap a couple of photos of his parents while on their various family vacations. at the time, the altmix fam had a sweet, new, cannon ae-1, and matt learned to manually focus the images and shoot like a champ. can you even imagine the adorableness of baby matt’s concentration as he focuses the lens on his parents?? no worries, i have a picture! he’s just 2 here, but starting to learn the basics!

you guys, isn’t that the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen?! maybe i’m biased. maaaaybe. anyway, the image above was actually taken with the ae-1, the camera matt grew up with. a couple of years ago, matt’s dad gifted us that camera and little by little matt has started capturing our own family with it! so for our most recent trip to yosemite, he decided it was my turn. we packed various films and i spent the trip getting to know the little old camera that is such a part of my family. i really enjoyed it. here are just a few of our favorites:

it’s kinda hard to see matt in this next one but i still love it. also, this camera is not very tight, so we are just accepting the light-leaks. maybe one day we’ll really get in there and fix it but until then, let’s all embrace the ‘vintage’ look. ;)

of course, matt stole it for one.

bottom line, we highly recommend a trip to yosemite! ok, time for me to get back to work… :)

yosemite, 6 years in the making

By | Personal | 13 Comments

in the fall of 2005, i receieved a postcard from yosemite national park signed ‘love, matt.’ we’d been dating for about 8 months and matt was celebrating his graduation on a roadtrip out west with his dad. i was in athens giggling over the, ‘love, matt’ signoff on the postcard while he was hiking and capturing some of the most beautiful images i’ve ever seen. neither of us were photographers at the time but our shared love of beauty and light and space were starting to lead us in that direction. when he returned he showed me the images, explaining how grand everything was and how, one day, he’d take me there.

fast forward 6 years. it’s our four year wedding anniversary and we’ve carved time from our busy fall to really celebrate our anniversary and our life together. yosemite was the natural choice for relaxation, exploration and rejuvenation- exactly the combination we were looking for. we booked a little cabin in the park and spent our sunlight hours hiking to majestic waterfalls, quiet mountain lakes and points with views that quickly put life in perspective. in the evenings we cooked decadent late night dinners and lounged around our little cabin with books and a splash of scotch. can you believe we actually came home? we almost didn’t. ;)

here are just a few of the images matt captured. i’ll do a followup post in a bit with a few of my images when i finish sorting them. i just love how he sees the world:

this is why it’s taking me a while to get through the images- we’ve been scanning in film for days! can’t wait to share a few though…later…

in case you didn’t know this about me, I LOVE SNOW! i was so excited to climb up just to touch it and crunch it with my toes.

this little peninsula was our lunch spot our first full day in the park. we had thick, delicious sandwiches with cured meats and cheese and olive oil and olives and black pepper. heaven in the middle of a long hike. and then we stretched out to rest…and got terribly sunburned.

there was plenty of snow around the lake- our elevation was about 9300 ft! the lake was icy cold, my hands ached just from rinsing them off before lunch. but those of you that know matt know he wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity to jump in. crazy man. this next image is quite possibly my favorite image ever ever, even though matt is probably in considerable pain or completely numb. still awesome:

…and this was my spot:

shimmery dust:

let me tell you about this next set of images. i stubbed my toe something fierce and while i tried to pull myself together and start walking again and not lash out at the world, matt decided to take pictures. and then insisted we post them. so yea…here i am in pain! ;)

moving on! ;) half dome, i was too scared to hike it. we got permits and everything. and then, i started youtubing. if you’re at all interested in making the hike do not search youtube for ‘half dome descent.’

instead we hiked up to vernal and then nevada falls, simply beautiful and plenty steep!

you can barely make out the little people at the top of nevada falls in this next image…that’s where we went!

bone-in ribeye, folks:

matt also insisted on posting these early morning pics, wohoo! ;) if you haven’t read the hunger games, stop everything, start NOW! we loved them!

this next image makes my stomach churn just looking at it. we had heard of this unmarked overlook and decided to go look for it. well, found it! but, for someone who has a problem with ‘edges’ this was pretty tough for me. i love hiking and views and exploring…but edges? yikes! still, what a beautiful spot:

one evening we decided to go for a sunset hike up to sentinel dome from glacier point. it’s a little used trail- there’s a shorter, more direct one but it didn’t start from our location so off we went, just us, racing up the mountain as the sun fell lower and lower. just as we reached the top the sun touched the horizon. it was stunning. i’ve never seen anything like it. we enjoyed the lingering daylight and then ran all the way back to our car- banging sticks together since i read that that intimidates bears. i cannot even imagine how ridiculous we looked but we didn’t pass a single person on the trail and we got back to the car, panting, but thankful that the most dangerous thing we ran across was a family of deer and some tricky rocks. a great night!

and the last day we were there we saw these sweet big trees:

soon to follow, yosemite: film edition!

randi & michael are married!

By | Weddings | One Comment

i’ve been so excited to tell you all about randi & michael for a while now- we met them on a chilly winter day for some hearty, delicious pasta at one of our favorite little places in atlanta. a good start to anything, i think! we quickly learned that randi & michael love food just as much as we do- randi is actually a chef! and next we found out that they are actually into photography as well! aaaand so we love them. that is just how these two are. they are so interesting and interested and they’ve traveled all around the world experiencing so many places and adventures. but they are just so relaxed and down to earth about it all. we walked away from dinner having learned so much about so many different things but really feeling like we just had two new friends! their ever-present smiles are truly an overflow of how much they love life, one another and everyone around them- it’s such a joy to know people like randi & michael.

randi actually got ready at michael’s parent’s home- in his childhood room! i love everything about that.

meanwhile, their guests began to assemble at the ceremony site, enjoying a cold drink as they mingled in the warm afternoon sun:

a close friend of randi & michael performed their ceremony which was so sweet and personal…and pretty quick too! before we knew it they were whisked away for a few quiet moments together:

i really do love this next image. after the ceremony emotions tend to surge- feelings of pure joy mix with relief and excitement and just the magnitude of it all- beautiful:

after a quick look around their dinner setup, randi & michael were introduced and began their first dance as a new family!

randi & michael, we feel so blessed to have been part of your wedding day. you two are just beautiful together and we are glad to know you. we wish you guys the very best and we cannot even wait to see your images from your romantic parisian/italian honeymoon!